Date icon30 May 2023

Access control people flow image

Access control systems are crucial in today's security landscape to identify, authorise, and control not only who enters your premises but what access they have. As security risks continue to rise, organisations across industries are recognising the importance of robust access control measures to fortify their premises and meet regulatory obligations. If you're contemplating an access control system, what essential factors should you be considering?  

Assessing Your Security Needs: Identifying Potential Risks

It’s important to identify your specific security requirements to understand and effectively address your organisation’s potential risks and vulnerabilities. Start by determining the level of access control needed, such as restricted areas, sensitive data storage, or high-security zones. Consider factors like the number of users, the type of authentication methods required (e.g., cards, biometric, mobile enabled readers) and any compliance regulations applicable to your industry.  

Scalability and Futureproofing: Accommodating Growth and Changing Needs

Consider the scalability of the access control system. Will it be able to accommodate your future growth and changing needs? Ensure that the system can easily handle an increasing number of users, additional access points, and integration with other security systems for when your organisation expands.  

User-Friendliness and Management: Intuitive Interface and Easy Administration

Look for an access control system that is user-friendly and easy to manage. The system should have an intuitive interface for administrators to add or remove users, modify access permissions, and generate reports. Training requirements for your staff should also be taken into account when choosing an access control system.  

Integration Capabilities: Creating a Comprehensive Security Infrastructure

Consider whether the access control system can integrate with other security systems you may already have in place, such as CCTV cameras, alarm systems, or visitor management systems. Integration allows for a more comprehensive and seamless security infrastructure. For example, in the instance of a fire alarm being triggered, the access control system can automatically move to an open profile enabling all persons on site to evacuate quickly to a safe point within the site perimeter.    

Reliability and Redundancy: Ensuring Continuous Operation

Ensure that the access control system is reliable and offers redundancy measures to prevent system failures or downtime. Look for features such as backup power supply, failover mechanisms, and data redundancy to ensure continuous operation and data integrity.  

Support and Ongoing Inspection

Evaluate the support and service options provided by the access control system provider. Check for the availability of technical support, software updates, and test and inspection services. It is essential to have a reliable support system in place to address any issues or emergencies promptly.  

Access Control System Installation: Collaborative Approach and Accredited Installers

Understand how the provider will collaborate with your in-house team. Look for a provider who will verify the initial recommendations, conduct thorough testing to ensure system functionality, perform relevant risk assessments, and issue a method statement. A well-structured plan for installation should be presented to you, prioritising minimal disruption to your daily operations. Check that the installer accredited by a governing body such as NSI.  

Budget Considerations: Striking a Balance Between Affordability and Security

Access control systems can vary in price so keep in mind your budgetary constraints and the total cost of ownership. Evaluate not only the initial cost of purchase but also ongoing expenses such as licensing fees, service costs, and potential future upgrades. Look for a balance between affordability and meeting your security needs. If budgets are constrained, look for a staged approach initially but starting with a strong foundation.  

The Right Access Control System for Your Needs: Strengthening Security Effectiveness

In today's security landscape, the importance of robust access control systems cannot be overstated. By carefully considering the factors discussed, organisations can fortify their premises, meet regulatory obligations, and mitigate potential risks. Understanding specific security needs, scalability, user-friendliness, integration capabilities, reliability, support, and service, as well as budget considerations, are all essential aspects when choosing an access control system. By making informed decisions and selecting the right solution, businesses can enhance their security posture and safeguard their assets effectively.  

Access Control: Taking the First Step

Are you ready to fortify your organisation's security? Take the first step by assessing your access control needs and evaluating the essential factors discussed in this blog. Consider the unique requirements of your business, the potential for future growth, and the importance of seamless integration with other security systems.  

Don’t forget to prioritise user-friendliness, reliability, support, and service options. By making an informed decision, you can confidently select an access control system that aligns with your security objectives and integrates into your organisation seamlessly.  

Access Control System Buyers Guide

Secure your premises, protect your assets, and ensure the peace of mind that comes with a protected organisation. Don't miss out on our exclusive Buyers Guide for Access Control Systems – download it now to gain valuable insights. Alternatively, contact our experienced team who will expertly navigate the complexities and guide you to the perfect solution tailored to your organisation.